Markus Butkereit
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Drive - by shooting
Drive - by shooting
Material/ the cannon, 4,5l bullet, 4,5l red fluid, bicycle
Measures/ 5 x 2 meter plus one room
2011/ Marseille/ France
Video/ 2 Channel/ HD/ 1:37 min
Camera/ Jérome Fino
Editing/ Jérome Fino
Originally I wanted to screen a short video clip on the shop window. For this we have a camera
installed in the interior which filmed from the inside to the outside. The outside camera
setting should we serve only as a safety recording if something goes wrong. Unfortunately,
or fortunately, the road was to small and it was not possible for me as usual to go to the
place of the bombardment in a semicircle. I had to tighten 90 degrees the turntable of the
cannon. The cannon was really instabil and the color cartridge hits in the window from a
appartment above. I pedaled away and hid me in a little park. 20 minutes later i ride back
to the place where it happend. In the apartment above where no family at the dinner during the
bombardment which is speckled with red. In the room was at the time a painter which painted the
walls white. He was shocked.